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Pesche von Känel


After my formation as a primary teacher in the Langenthal Seminar from 1970 to 1974 - together with a classmate named Andreas Schwarz, of course - I taught the 7th to 9th grades in Winklen near Frutigen for nine and a half years.


Already in my youth, especially during the years of the "Schulmeisterns" I gained a fascination for technical and visual design - and music. In 1983 I decided to study as a drawing and crafts teacher at the "School of Design" in Bern. In 1987, I conceived and directed the visual design concept of the first unemployment project in Burgdorf. 


Besides a position in teacher training (Werkzentrum Bern), I taught technical design in various schools. In 1989 I got "baited" to set up the new workrooms in the NMSBern (then still known as the "Neue Mädchenschule Bern". With sweeping success: I taught visual and technical design as well as digital image processing until 2017.


When Andreas Schwarz enthusiastically introduced me to the brand new project "Snow-White" he inquired if I would be willing to design a logo. I agreed and presented a broad catalog of ideas and sketches. After an exceptionally short time, the logo for the librettist and the two composers was confirmed. 

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